Sunday 19 August 2012


is a 2012 movie.

Directed by: Pang Ho-Cheung
Story: Pang Ho-Cheung
Written by: Pang Ho-Cheung, Heiward Mak
Produced by: Subi Liang, Pang Ho-Cheung
Cinematography: Jason Kwan Editing: Wenders Li

  • Shawn Yue - Jimmy
  • Miriam Yeung - Cherie
  • Vincent Kuk - Jimmy's colleague
  • Roy Szeto - Jimmy's colleague
  • Crystal Tin - Cherie's boss
  • Zheng Xu - Sam
  • Mini Yang - Youyou


This is one of the good romantic comedy films which released in Hong Kong this year. It is a sequel of the movie "LOVE IN THE PUFF”, which released two years before. The story is all about the main Hong Kong couple Jimmy and Cherie, they deal with their relationships in realistic way. They have been together for five months, they feel so difficulties in their relationship because they cannot deal with the long distance relationship as they separate in two different country. They split up and both of them move to Beijing individually due to change in work. Few years late, they met each other in Beijing.
Trailer of the movie - LOVE IN THE BUFF

The most refreshing about this story is its portrayal of how little things can cause problems in the relationships and how their increasing frequency if they not to solve the problem which can lead to break up. The mystery of love is also shown as Cherie and Jimmy despite their incompatibility cannot let go of each other. Their interactions with each other and their friends are the main source of laughs with ample amounts of swearing. There are also additional laughs for those who are familiar with Hong Kong and mainland actors like Ekin Cheng or Huang Xiao-ming.

A funny musical video from Shawn Yue at the end of the movie

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